Mini game 6 Law and Rights

1 / 15

Which EU treaty established the European Union's legal framework and principles, including the principle of subsidiarity? 

2 / 15

The European Union introduced the European Citizens' Initiative to allow citizens to directly participate in the EU legislative process by proposing legislation.

3 / 15

The Air Passenger __________ Regulation protects air passengers' rights, including compensation and assistance in case of denied boarding, flight cancellations, or long delays. 

4 / 15

Which EU directive aims to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings and protect its victims?

5 / 15

The European Union introduced the European Disability Strategy to promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities, ensuring equal access to education, employment, and public services.

6 / 15

The General Data __________ Regulation establishes the rules and procedures for the protection of personal data and privacy rights within the European Union and the European Economic Area. 

7 / 15

Which EU agency is responsible for overseeing the protection of personal data and ensuring compliance with data protection laws?

8 / 15

The European Union introduced the European Structural and Investment Funds to promote economic development, social cohesion, and regional convergence across member states.

9 / 15

The Free __________ Directive establishes the rights of EU citizens and their family members to move and reside freely within the European Union. 

10 / 15

Which EU treaty established the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality and laid the foundations for the European Single Market? 

11 / 15

The European Union introduced the European Small Claims Procedure to simplify and expedite cross-border disputes involving small claims. 

12 / 15

The Working __________ Directive ensures the protection of workers' rights and safety, including working time limits, rest periods, and minimum health and safety requirements.

13 / 15

Which EU agency is responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of food and feed across the European Union?

14 / 15

The European Union introduced the European Public Prosecutor's Office to combat fraud, corruption, and other crimes affecting the EU's financial interests. 

15 / 15

The __________ Regulation establishes the procedures and criteria for the admission of third-country nationals into the European Union for the purposes of work or study.

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