Mini game 13 Citizenship

1 / 10

Which EU institution is responsible for overseeing matters related to EU citizenship?

2 / 10

EU citizenship grants individuals the right to work and reside in any EU member state, regardless of their nationality. 

3 / 10

EU citizens have the right to __________ protection in any EU member state. 

4 / 10

Which of the following is a duty of EU citizenship?

5 / 10

EU citizens have the right to stand for election as a Member of the European Parliament in any EU member state.

6 / 10

The __________ Agreement allows for the free movement of EU citizens within the Schengen Area.

7 / 10

Which of the following documents serves as proof of EU citizenship? 

8 / 10

EU citizenship automatically grants individuals the right to vote in all EU member states.

9 / 10

The __________ Treaty established the principles of EU citizenship. 

10 / 10

Which of the following is a benefit of EU citizenship? 

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