– Trainings that would be useful for a young migrant in your country in order to:
o Develop their skills that are useful for the job market
Flyer “Problems at work” | Online document | https://www.berlin.arbeitundleben.de/cms/upload/Beratungsflyer_Englisch.pdf |
Application tool for refugees: JOBLOQ | On-line portal | https://www.jobloq.de/ |
Knowledge and skills determined during participation in work opportunities within the framework of the labor market program “refugee integration measures” |
Online |
https://www.cottbus.de/.files/storage/file/13f1989f-6348-48ca-81aa-df1fcddef199/Erhebungsbogen.pdf |
Learning German App | App | https://ankommenapp.de/APP/DE/Deutschlernen/deutschlernen-node.html |
o Become active citizens in your country/city
Integration through sport in the state of Brandenburg |
Online document |
https://sportjugend-bb.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Flyer-Integration-durch-Sport.pdf |
Advice on how to gather information in order to be well-prepared for the job market
o It can be information about social services, websites that are popular among job seekers, websites where they can find more information about the employee rights in the country, etc.
Regionally | ||
Migration social work according to the laws LAufnG, LAufnGDV, LAufnGErstV in Cottbus |
Online |
Federal Labour Agency | ||
On-line migration check for employers |
On-line tool | https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/unternehmen/arbeitskraefte/arbeitserlaubnis-migration-check-arbeitgeber |
KursNET- The on-line portal for vocational education and training, topic migrants | On-line portal |
Entdecken Sie das neue KURSNET | Bundesagentur für Arbeit (arbeitsagentur.de) |
Measures of the Federal Labour Agency for professional integration: Activation and professional integration measures; Job opportunities; professional development; Refugee integration measures |
On-line tool |
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/bildungstraeger/diese-massnahmen-foerdert-die-ba |
On-line tool: Admission to the German labour market |
On-line tool | https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/voraussetzungen-arbeiten-in-deutschland |
Offices where people can get their certificates and competences verified and/or translated
o In each country there are offices where people can get their degrees and certificates from their country’s university and can get verified for the host country
Regionally | ||
Application for recognition of foreign school qualifications | Online document |
Application for recognition of foreign professional qualifications with state recognition as an educator for the state of Brandenburg |
Online document |
https://schulaemter.brandenburg.de/sixcms/media.php/2159/onlineformular_erzieher.pdf |
Leaflet on the application for the evaluation of school-leaving qualifications from abroad / from other federal states as well as professional qualifications acquired in the school sector |
Online document |
https://schulaemter.brandenburg.de/sixcms/media.php/2159/merkblatt_zeugnisanerkennung.pdf |
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Bonn | ||
Search a supporter of migration advice |
Search tool |
Navigation on asylum procedures and integration, i.e.about Integration courses, migration advice, course locations, authorities |
Navigation system |
Application for exemption from the contribution to costs for the integration course |
On-line document |
Integration courses in detail |
On-line tool |
Specialised German course for the profession |
Online portal |
https://www.bamf.de/DE/Themen/Integration/ZugewanderteTeilnehmende/DeutschBeruf/deutsch-beruf.html |
Setting up a business in Germany |
Online portal |
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/existenzgruendung-in-deutschland |
Recognition of professional qualifications in Germany |
Online portal |
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/anerkennung-abschluss |
Social insurance in Germany |
Online portal |
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/sozialversicherung-in-deutschland |
Financial support in Germany: Unemployment Benefits I and II, child benefits, parental benefits, etc |
Online portal |
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/finanzielle-unterstuetzung |
NGO Network “Integration through Qualification (IQ) | ||
Visa for the purpose of recognition of foreign qualifications |
Online document |
Leitfaden für die Beratung zu § 16d Aufenthaltsgesetz (netzwerk-iq.de) |
Vocational recognition for engineers – becoming a skilled worker |
Online document |
Professional recognition for general nurses — pathway to a new job |
Online document |
IQ advisory services for people with foreign qualifications in Germany |
Online document |
Credential recognition for female migrants—the pathway to a new job |
Online document |
Professional recognition for electronics technicians – becoming a skilled worker |
Online document |
Professional recognition for teachers – the pathway to a new job |
Online document |
German for professional purposes |
Online portal |
Further information portals for immigrants | Online portal | https://www.netzwerk-iq.de/angebote/eingewanderte |
Start a business in Germany | Online portal | https://www.wir-gruenden-in-deutschland.de/ |