–          Trainings that would be useful for a young migrant in your country in order to:

o          Develop their skills that are useful for the job market


Flyer “Problems at work” Online document https://www.berlin.arbeitundleben.de/cms/upload/Beratungsflyer_Englisch.pdf
Application tool for refugees: JOBLOQ On-line portal https://www.jobloq.de/
Knowledge and skills determined during participation in work opportunities within the framework of the labor market program “refugee integration measures”









Learning German App App https://ankommenapp.de/APP/DE/Deutschlernen/deutschlernen-node.html



o          Become active citizens in your country/city


Integration through sport in the state of Brandenburg


Online document




Advice on how to gather information in order to be well-prepared for the job market

o          It can be information about social services, websites that are popular among job seekers, websites where they can find more information about the employee rights in the country, etc.


Migration social work according to the laws LAufnG, LAufnGDV, LAufnGErstV in Cottbus







Federal Labour Agency

On-line migration check for


On-line tool https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/unternehmen/arbeitskraefte/arbeitserlaubnis-migration-check-arbeitgeber
KursNET- The on-line portal for vocational education and training, topic migrants On-line portal


Entdecken Sie das neue KURSNET | Bundesagentur für Arbeit (arbeitsagentur.de)

Measures of the Federal Labour Agency for professional integration: Activation and professional integration measures; Job opportunities;

professional development; Refugee integration measures

On-line tool





On-line tool: Admission to the

German labour market

On-line tool https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/fuer-menschen-aus-dem-ausland/voraussetzungen-arbeiten-in-deutschland





Offices where people can get their certificates and competences verified and/or translated

o     In each country there are offices where people can get their degrees and certificates from their country’s university and can get verified for the host country


Application for recognition of foreign school qualifications Online document



Application for recognition of foreign professional qualifications with state recognition as an educator for the state of Brandenburg



Online document





Leaflet on the application for the evaluation of school-leaving qualifications from abroad / from other federal states as well as professional qualifications acquired in the school sector




Online document






Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Bonn
Search a supporter of migration advice


Search tool



Navigation on asylum procedures and integration, i.e.about Integration courses, migration advice, course locations, authorities


Navigation system






Application for exemption from the contribution to costs for the integration course


On-line document


https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Integration/Integrationskurse/Kursteilnehmer/AntraegeAlle/630-027_antrag-kost enbefreiung_pdf.html


Integration courses in detail


On-line tool



Specialised German course for the profession


Online portal




Setting up a business in Germany


Online portal



Recognition of professional qualifications in Germany


Online portal




Social insurance in Germany


Online portal



Financial support in Germany: Unemployment Benefits I and II, child benefits, parental benefits, etc


Online portal





NGO Network “Integration through Qualification (IQ)
Visa for the purpose of recognition of foreign qualifications


Online document


Leitfaden für die Beratung zu § 16d Aufenthaltsgesetz (netzwerk-iq.de)




Vocational recognition for engineers – becoming a skilled worker



Online document


IQ_Themendossier_Ingenieur_innen_EN.pdf (netzwerk-iq.de)

Professional recognition for general nurses — pathway to a new job


Online document


IQ_Themendossier_Pflege_EN.pdf (netzwerk-iq.de)

IQ advisory services for people with foreign qualifications in Germany


Online document


Service for Immigrants – netzwerk-iq


Credential recognition for female migrants—the pathway to a new job



Online document


IQ Anerkennungsberatungsstellen (netzwerk-iq.de)


Professional recognition for electronics technicians – becoming a skilled worker



Online document


IQ_Themendossier_Elektroniker_innen_EN.pdf (netzwerk-iq.de)

Professional recognition for teachers – the pathway to a new job


Online document





German for professional purposes



Online portal



https://www.bamf.de/EN/Themen/Integration/ZugewanderteTeilnehmende/DeutschBeruf/deutsch-beruf.html;jsessionid=3428B3 508A4E5015E5A91AE0A998C272.internet572?nn=282656

Further information portals for immigrants Online portal https://www.netzwerk-iq.de/angebote/eingewanderte



Start a business in Germany Online portal https://www.wir-gruenden-in-deutschland.de/