Trainings that would be useful for a young migrant in your country in order to:


Develop their skills for educators



Training for educators to support young migrants/ Formation pour les éducateurs pour l’accompagnement des migrants

France terre d’asile – Au service des demandeurs d’asile (

Become active citizens in your country/city GOVERNEMENT WEBSITE

Civic training for foreigners arriving in France / Formation civique pour les étrangers

Le parcours personnalisé d’intégration républicaine / Intégration et Accès à la nationalité – Direction générale des étrangers en France – Ministère de l’Intérieur (

information about social services, websites that are popular among job seekers, websites where they can find more information about the employee rights in the country, etc. GOVERNMENT WEBSITE

Services sociaux pour les migrants/ Social services for migrants

Accueil |

Offices where people can get their certificates and competences verified and/or translated

○            offices where people can get their

degrees and

certificates from their country’s university and can get verified for the host country





Information to get your skills and diploma certified :
L’actualité du ministère – Ministère du travail, de la santé et des solidarités (

Agency to get certified:
Votre agence France Travail |France Travail


Training : Integration MOOC for integration through employment Outils de communication / Intégration et Accès à la nationalité – Direction générale des étrangers en France – Ministère de l’Intérieur (
European project for kids with migrant background


With this project, we’re not letting language be a barrier for children to feel included. We are showing ways to communicate through music, food,

writing and play and allowing children to showcase their own culture and who they are.


Training for migrants : will be online soon NATURE project on new jobs for migrants in the area of circular economic and sustainability esources/
Training for migrants

MCM : Migrant community


MCM has a clear objective is a dynamic participatory adult education initiative to upskill and empower representatives of migrant communities to become agents for advancement

in migrant integration and social inclusion as Migrant Community Mediators.

Training for migrants ECRI Formation Au Mentorat – ECRI (
Training for migrants

RIME: Refugees Inclusion Moves Europe

RIME is a European project aimed at developing the skills of adults working to support and include refugees. RIME was born from the creation of the Refugee’s guide, in France, produced for and WITH refugees living in the Bordeaux metropolitan area. This simple and illustrated refugee guide is intended to be very accessible to refugees. It presents their rights and their view of their status.



Training for migrants : integration

Refugee’s guide:

This Refugee’s Guide was created together with refugees, who have also shared their stories and their visions of life in France (in the 4 languages) in the form of a comic book which you can read on this website. Some of the stories are sensitive and personal, others are more amusing…maybe you will find a bit of your own story in them.

Refugee’s guide – rime-refugees-inclusion
Training for migrants Real picture project : Tips and stories on migratory
Training for migrants : job market


Is an online guide

designed to encourage

entrepreneurial initiatives in the culinary sector on a European scale for



Training for educators


MOOC: a guide on communication

7 days, 7 lessons for teachers and educators, curious and motivated (10 minutes per day) ADVICE, METHODS, EXPERIENCES, IDEAS, TECHNICAL SHEETS…

to enrich your practices in and outside of school

https://moocmigratorymusi mmunication.html